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Queen Spectacle


Our Collections

Our collections come from all over the world and are carefully selected for their unique style and quality with each location in mind. We are always on the lookout for the latest fashion trends, so when it comes to making your eyewear selection, we are there for you to lend our expertise.

Our staff is passionate about what they do and ​we enjoy​ ​working with our clients on selecting their new eyewear. Choosing your glasses is not an easy task​;​ with so many choices in materials, colours​,​ shapes and sizes. ​ E​ach of th​e​se is an important aspect of getting ​your spectacles​ ​just right.

In the end​,​ we want you to ​LOVE​ your new specs ​…​and leave you wanting ​MORE​!

Here are just some of the collections you can find at our stores.